Alfred's Special Place is a book about bullying, marginalization, courage, trust, and love.  Proceeds from the sale of this book are donated to help rescued donkeys in sanctuaries.  
Aflred's Special Place - Finding Sanctuary Now and Forever
Alfred’s Special Place is about a donkey who wants so badly to belong and be helpful at the farm where he lives. But because people have not taken care of Alfred, his hooves are sore. Poor Alfred cannot walk much less chase the coyotes away from the lambs on the farm. The farmer gets angry because Alfred is not doing his job. The farmer wants to sell Alfred. Alfred hides in a special place on farm where he feels safe. But winter is coming and Alfred has no hay to eat. Alfred is cold and hungry, and all alone, and very sad. But Rebecca, the farmer’s daughter, wants to help Alfred and has a secret plan. One day a woman and a man come to find Alfred. But Alfred has to learn to trust the good people who want to help him.

In November of 2016 I had been trimming hooves at a farm where the horses received regular hoof care but the donkey did not.  He shuffled and was clearly lame.  I wondered what to do, how could I help him without irritating the owner to the point where he kicked me off the farm.  I wanted to quit trimming as the pain I felt on seeing that donkey suffer was heart breaking.  I drove home in tears.  I wrote the first draft of Alfred's Special Place.  Through writing this book I found the words to talk to the farmer so he would hear me.  I am happy to tell you that 'Alfred' now receives regular hoof care and is much loved in his family.  The donkeys told me this story, I just typed it out.  This is the story of many many donkeys.  Through your help and support of donkey sanctuaries, many more donkeys such as Alfred will receive the help they need and deserve
A story about being lost and then found.  A story about hope and love.
Alfred talks to his good friend Clover, the wise rabbit of the farm.
Clover consoles Alfred and tells him that he deserves love and respect.